Private Silat Online Training via Video Conference



Looking to start your own Martial Arts business?

Wirayudha Pencak Silat offers a ‘Train the Trainer’ Program that includes a syllabus and grading system, with the ability to train and grade students to the same level under the Wirayudha Pencak Silat system. We offer face-to-face training and online training via Vimeo (Website & App) and Video Conference.

Purchase the Gold or Silver Package and start your own Pencak Silat Martial Arts school today!


Pencak Silat Australia now offers private online training via Video Conference.

If you are not located on the Gold Coast QLD and would like train Wirayudha Pencak Silat, then training via video conference could be a suitable option. Grading for belts is also possible via video conference for long distance students (choose the Grading option if you would like to be graded via Video Conference).

If you are a current student, video conferences could help give you additional assistance and the guidance needed with your online training.

Choose your preferred Video Conference and Online Training Package, with further discounts available for higher level training packages such as Gold & Silver; that includes ALL Vimeo Online Training Packages currently available.

This training will be facilitated by Lee Edmondson or Guru Eka Aris Suhartanto (Aris) in English via Video Conference.

Note: Only the higher level packages (Silver and Gold) and Wirayudha students include training with Guru Aris. The Bronze level package and Grading will be facilitated by Lee Edmondson, the apprentice of Guru Eka Aris Suhartanto (Aris).


If you choose the Bronze level package, to support your development; it is recommended to try one of our Online Training Packages to further support your ongoing learning:

Click here to purchase your preferred training package via topic of interest such as the Black Belt, Self-Defence or Weapons.

Click here for more information or to purchase ALL the below packages for the largest discount and SAVE!

Additional information

Training Package

Gold, Silver, Bronze, Grading, Black Belt Complete

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