Kali Silat Sticks – Single or Double


Kali / Escrima / Arnis Silat Sticks – Ratton Wood

These Kali / Escrima / Arnis Silat (Single) Stick, made of strong ratton are 60cm long, 2cm wide and are suitable for Pencak Silat Martial Arts / FMA Stick drills.

Stick drills can help build reflex, increase speed, hand eye coordination and muscle memory during weapons training.

Pencak Silat has various styles, with over 800 known styles in Indonesia. Kali Silat is most commonly found in the Philippines and is a style of Silat. Kali Silat is a Filippino style of Silat that usually starts with weapons such as the double sticks, also known as a Filippino Martial Art or FMA.

The double sticks are commonly used in Filippino styles of Silat such as Kali, Escrima / Eskrima and Arnis. They are used for stick fighting or sparring and usually come as a pair (2 sticks) but can also be used as a single stick.

Additional information

Single or Double

Tiger Print Kali Stick (Single), Tiger Print Kali Sticks (Double), Plain Kali Stick (Single), Plain Kali Sticks (Double)

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